Business Administration


Our Business and Management Training program is designed for individuals aspiring to leadership roles within companies. The comprehensive and diverse curriculum equips students with a wide range of managerial skills, fostering commitment, creativity, and value creation within the corporate environment. Our program is tailored to meet the evolving demands of both our graduates’ careers and the job market, addressing technical, financial, and human aspects.

As future senior managers, you will be responsible for driving your company’s growth in a complex, intercultural, and international landscape. Our program is committed to training a new generation of managers with the specific skills needed to excel in today’s globalized business world. 

Join us to become a leader capable of navigating and succeeding in an ever-changing international environment.


  • Academically rigorous programs with a connection to professional practice.
  • Interactive teaching with a large focus on business cases discussions, workshops and on hand training.
  • Continuous assessments in each module: group work, individual participation, reports, and exams.
  • Languages of instruction are primarily English and French.


Upon completing three years of dedicated studies, students will earn a Bachelor’s degree (BAC+3) in one of the following prestigious fields, accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education:

– Finance and Management Control

– Marketing and Communication

– Logistics and Platform Management


Upon completing five years of dedicated studies, students will obtain a Master’s degree (BAC+5) in one of the following prestigious fields, accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education:

– Finance and Management Control

– Marketing and Communication

– Logistics and Platform Management


After 3 years of study at EMAA BUSINESS SCHOOL, students who have passed all exams and defended all internship reports will receive a Bachelor’s degree (BAC+3) accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education.

As part of the partnership and equivalence system with the University Paris 13 Nord, Sorbonne, students with a degree from EMAA BUSINESS SCHOOL can simultaneously obtain a Professional Bachelor’s in Organizational Management in Audit and Management Control from University Paris 13 Nord, Sorbonne (*).

* For further information, please see admissions requirements with Pedagogy Department.



Semester 1

  • Freshman English Composition I
  • Communication Techniques I
  • Personal Development
  • Introduction to Management
  • Business Accounting I
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Microeconomics
  • Introduction to the Study of Law
  • Extracurricular Activities

Semester 2

  • Freshman English Composition II
  • Communication Techniques II
  • Business Accounting II
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Social Law
  • Internship: 1 Month


Semester 3

  • Communication Techniques III
  • English Professional Writing I
  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Financial Analysis
  • Management Accounting
  • Database Management
  • Global Economy
  • Commercial Law

Semester 4

  • Public Speaking
  • Critical Reading & Writing
  • Strategic Management
  • Corporate Accounting
  • Business Taxation
  • Business Law
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Internship: 1 Month


Semestre 5
  • Communication d'Entreprise
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Techniques de Distribution et Force de Vente
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Visual Communication
  • Services Marketing
  • Management de la Qualité
  • Développement Web I
Semestre 6
  • Techniques de Négociation et Gestion de Conflits
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Etude de Marché
  • Data Analysis via SPSS
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Développement Web II
  • Projet de fin d'études PFE
  • Stage d'Application : 2 Mois
Semestre 5
  • Communication d'Entreprise
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Economie Monétaire et Bancaire
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Gestion de la Trésorerie
  • Finance des Marchés
  • Management de la Qualité
  • Développement Web I
Semestre 6
  • Techniques de Négociation et Gestion de Conflits
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Audit and Risk Management
  • Gestion Fiscale
  • International Financial Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Développement Web II
  • Projet de fin d'études : PFE
  • Stage d'Application : 2 Mois
Semestre 5
  • Communication d'Entreprise
  • English for Business & Inter Comm
  • Introduction to Supply Chain Management
  • Géographie et Economie du Transport
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Gestion des Stocks et Entrepôts
  • Management de la Qualité
  • Développement Web I
Semestre 6
  • Techniques de Négociation et Gestion de Conflits
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Gestion de la Production
  • Warehouse Management System
  • Les Techniques du Transit
  • Projet de fin d'études PFE
  • Stage d'Application : 2 Mois


Semestre 7
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Commerce International
  • Contemporary Consumer Behavior
  • Advanced Marketing Communication
  • Recherche Opérationnelle
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Management de Projets
  • Cycle Séminaires et Conférences
Semestre 8
  • International Marketing
  • Innovation & Brand Strategy
  • Advanced Digital Marketing
  • Management Information Systems
  • Audit de la qualité
  • Techniques Bancaires
  • Stage en Entreprise : 2 Mois
Semestre 7
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Commerce International
  • Comptabilité Approfondie
  • Audit Comptable et Financier
  • Techniques Quantitatives Appliquées à la Finance
  • Recherche Opérationnelle
  • Management de Projets
  • Cycle Séminaires et Conférences
Semestre 8
  • Corporate Valuation
  • Management Information Systems
  • Techniques Bancaires
  • Bank Accounting and Financial Analysis
  • Audit et Contrôle Interne
  • Audit de la Qualité
  • Stage en Entreprise : 2 Mois
Semestre 7
  • English for Business & Inter Communication
  • Commerce International
  • Management des Plateformes Logistiques
  • Logistique et Transport International de Marchandises
  • Droit des Transports
  • Recherche Opérationnelle
  • Management de Projets
  • Cycle Séminaires et Conférences
Semestre 8
  • Techniques Bancaires
  • Management Information Systems
  • Transport Management System (ERP)
  • Optimisation des Systèmes d'Information
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Audit de la Qualité
  • Stage en Entreprise : 2 Mois


 Semestre 9
  • English Prose Composition
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Marketing Research
  • Global & Political Economy
  • Marketing Relationnel et CRM
  • Cycle de Séminaires et Conférences
Semestre 10
  • Stage et Mémoire de Fin d’Etudes : Entre 3 et 6 mois
Semestre 9
  • English Prose Composition
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Fusion et Transmission des Entreprises
  • Global & Political Economy
  • Contrôle de Gestion
  • Cycle de Séminaires et Conférences
Semestre 10
  • Stage et Mémoire de Fin d’Etudes : Entre 3 et 6 mois
Semestre 9
  • English Prose Composition
  • Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Gestion Portuaire
  • Global & Political Economy
  • Management des Réseaux de Distribution
  • Cycle de Séminaires et Conférences
Semestre 10
  • Stage et Mémoire de Fin d’Etudes : Entre 3 et 6 mois


Marketing and Communication

• Head of Research
• Group Manager
• Market Manager
• Marketing Manager
• Media Planner
• Strategic Planner
• Marketing Assistant
• Product Manager
• Brand Manager
• Promotion Manager
• Merchandising Manager

Finance and Management Control

• Independent Manager
• Financial Analyst
• Internal / External Auditor
• Management Controller
• Merger and Acquisitions Advisor
• Administrative and Financial Director
• Property Manager
• Investment Manager
• Risk Manager
• Trader

Logistics and Platforms Management

• Charterer
• Routing Agent
• Transit Agent
• Logistics Agent
• Distribution Agent
• Warehouse Manager
• Operations Manager
• Order Manager
• Foreign Branch Manager